Before being a Witness I expected lights, thunder claps and other portents ...not vapour.
Tying the return of Christ to a particular date also appears to be scriptural heresy in terms of no man knowing the hour etc
if jesus' enthronement has not yet occured and will never occur, this topc is mute.
however if jesus' enthronement did occur according to scripture, when did it actually happen or is it yet future?.
the watchtower society has it occuring in the year 1914 --1919, which time frame is the lynchpin for there organizational existence.
Before being a Witness I expected lights, thunder claps and other portents ...not vapour.
Tying the return of Christ to a particular date also appears to be scriptural heresy in terms of no man knowing the hour etc
1. .
people being arrested for taking pictures and cameras smashed, the fuji police blimp, interviews with good and bad cops, michael moore exposed as the fake liberal corporate neo-con pawn that he is and how he did'nt even really get into 911" so why did he call his phony right left distraction ferinheit 911?
protesters being arrested,police crack down,the dumb communist and there disinfo,911 facts, the camps set up in ny, the secret police around the country.
I'm not sure why you are being so hard on this guy.
I'm just watching one of the links he posted and find it rather interesting.
I don't think he is being a "TROLL" and he has the right to post here?
Cut him some slack guys
our witness family was obsessed with demonism.. at a very early age, i was introduced to strange stories of demonism.
a brother in the congregation had brought home a souvenier doll from a tropical island as a gift for his daughter.
the daughter would talk about how the doll would come to life, but the stories were dismissed and attributed to the child's imagination.
Country Girl
That is a typical story of certain JWs. Your brother sounds very immature to be honest. I feel sorry for you.
retroviral sequences:
cytochrome c:
this week's primary source: . - and so, the debate goes on and on and on
A quote from the page up there:
The infant was normal in every way except for the presence of the appendage. The appendage was slightly more than two inches long and had a diameter at the base of about 1/4 inch. It was located adjacent to the sacrum and was offset from the mid-line about 1/2 inch. The appendage had a soft fibrous fatty core and was covered with skin of normal texture. There were no bony or cartilaginous elements in the appendage and it was found to have no connection to vertebral structures. X-rays of the spine were normal. The appendage was removed surgically under a local anesthetic.I had to take a double-take at that freaky image and then did a little research of my own - just to see what the creationists had to say and low and behold, an alternate explanation.
our witness family was obsessed with demonism.. at a very early age, i was introduced to strange stories of demonism.
a brother in the congregation had brought home a souvenier doll from a tropical island as a gift for his daughter.
the daughter would talk about how the doll would come to life, but the stories were dismissed and attributed to the child's imagination.
Well, thats a tough one isn't it
This whole thread depends on whether you believe in demons in the first place and then believe that they have the potential to move through the physical realm freely, or whether they need the will of humans to open portals into this realm; helping to ground them.
Symbols historically speaking are an important part of magic lore and are held in high esteem by practitioners of the art. Yet to hold any power it appears to be the case that the creator and possessor of the symbol has to imbue this icon with their will; thus empowering it and making it potent.
A friend of mine owns a great big heap of books, expounding occult philosophy. From the murky depths of Aleister Crowley to Eliphas Levi. He has never had a spirit manifest in his bedroom (where the books are kept) or indeed a cup fly involuntarily across the room, yet he knows people who have had these experiences.
He suggests that it is focus and intent that creates the problem and opens portals.
So perhaps (if you believe in spirits) and own a copy of Harry Potter, it only becomes a problem if you over emphasize its place within your life and impart negative willful intent?
we've all hurt people at one time or another.
some may have managed to keep it to the "made me feel bad" level, but others of us have hurt people severely.
this has almost surely been true down through the ages.. sometimes the people we hurt can't be asked for forgiveness.
Thanks 4 the book heads-up Satanus ... I'll go take a peek.
we've all hurt people at one time or another.
some may have managed to keep it to the "made me feel bad" level, but others of us have hurt people severely.
this has almost surely been true down through the ages.. sometimes the people we hurt can't be asked for forgiveness.
Well, I have a book on Shamanism, but have only really dipped in and out of it. Just out of curiousity really. At one low point (and high point as far as drugs were concerned) the idea of Shamanism seemed rather attractive and I could relate to the concepts of spirits being attached to pretty much everything from a tree to a wolf and these spirits acting as our guide, protector and possibly even our nemesis.
I do find it rather interesting that an isolated group of humans has a tendency to look beyond the imediate. Our traditional forms of objective reasoning do not seem to apply within these tribes, intuition being paramount.
They connect to ' the invisible ' instinctively.
In a way, the early Christian congregations moved closer to this form of worship by applying faith to objective reality. When the Greeks & Romans observed the Christians they were baffled by their ability to accept God as being invisible yet capable of producing something out of nothing.
Greek & Roman philosophy is built up rationalizing what is visible (for the most part - from what I have read) and I think we in the West are part of that mindset. We have to be able to touch and measure to believe. There is little room for faith.
A Christian observes life as being underpinned by an invisible yet tangible spirit - a Shaman could relate to that concept, no doubt.
My thoughts are that faith impacts the psychology of a person and opens another dimension to ones personality and it takes faith to see beyond the imediate representation of matter and energy.
Anyway, I'm not sure where I am going with these thoughts now, so I'll clear off ! My mind gets chaotic at times and I sit in the middle trying to make sense of it all.
hi all just curious did anyone go to the special talk????
what was so special about it.
i was supposed to go but like the memorial i accidently deliberately forgot opps :/ es
yeah i went to the special talk about "pay attention to what you listen" and it was really nice.. THere;s lots of nice pple as well n i enjoyed. ^^
Eh? - why is it that apologist JWs appear to have a problem typing and indeed presenting an argument that makes any sense?
i have been lurking for quite a few months.
i have been trying to get up enough nerve to tell you my whole story but am finding it painful and scary to write about.
so here's the shorter version until i get brave enough to spill all the details.
Hi Evita - hope you feel better over time and are able to resolve your feelings of grief.
I have always found this board to be stimulating and in a way it has also been a support to me over the past few years. Often I do not feel like posting and go through silent periods as well.
Hope you stick around and make a few friends here.
i'm sorry, i just find this way too much fun not to share!.
Human: do you need a pooALICE: No thanks but you can send me a donation.- oh how I laughed